Transformational Breathwork

A Natural Alternative

The Benefits

Breathwork is a practice centered on intentional control and awareness of one’s breath, delivering various physical and mental benefits. By manipulating breathing patterns, individuals enhance oxygen flow, improving respiratory function and energy levels. Beyond physiological effects, breathwork induces relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This mindful breathing fosters present-moment awareness, refining concentration and emotional regulation. With simplicity and versatility, breathwork emerges as a accessible tool for overall well-being, seamlessly integrated into practices like meditation or yoga, offering a holistic approach to health.



At Alternative Choices, you can access Breathwork, Online, at our Clinic or at an Outdoor location.

How It Can Help You

Breathwork can address a spectrum of issues, offering solutions to stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalance by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. It aids in improving respiratory function, enhancing lung capacity, and increasing oxygenation, potentially benefiting individuals with respiratory conditions. The practice fosters mindfulness, aiding concentration and clarity. Additionally, it promotes better sleep, emotional resilience, and overall mental well-being. As a versatile tool, breathwork provides a holistic approach to health, tackling both physiological and psychological challenges, making it an accessible and effective method for individuals seeking relaxation, self-awareness, and improved mental and physical states.

Structured Options

Single Sessions

You can request sessions Online, In House or Outdoors.

Small Groups

Small Groups can request sessions Online, In House or Outdoors.

Large Groups

Large Groups can request sessions Online, In House or Outdoors.

Outdoor Sessions

One on One

Outdoor Sessions can be requested. It provides next level effectiveness as you breathe in the open.

Small Groups

Outdoor Sessions can be requested. It provides next level effectiveness as you breathe and connect with nature.

Large Groups

Outdoor Sessions can be requested. The energy of the group, as you breathe in the open is epic.

In Office Sessions

One on One

Indoor Sessions can be requested. It provides, the privacy and personal support you may need on your breathwork  journey,

Small Groups

Small Group Sessions provide, a private and intimate space for families or those that prefer small group sessions while on their breathwork journey.

Large Groups

Large Group Sessions provide, a space for families, friends or anyone that is looking for the most cost effective way to take a  breathwork journey.

Online Sessions

One on One

Online  Sessions can be requested. It provides, the privacy and Convenience needed wherever you are and whatever time you need it.

Small Groups

Online Small Group Sessions can be requested or, you can ask to be placed in one. It provides, convenience and privacy as you are in your own space  uninterrupted by other participants. It is also cost effective.

Large Groups

Online Large Group Sessions can be requested or you can ask to be part of one. It provides, privacy and convenience, at the most affordable price. 

Mending Relationships

For Couples

 Sessions are designed to stimulate ‘Restoration and Togetherness’ for couples. A variety of  breathing techniques are used. 


  Sessions can be used as bonding activities. In these sessions personal issue can be addressed and barriers broken, which results in stronger bonds.


These sessions are designed to assist with family bonding and the releasing of unspoken hindrances that may be preventing togetherness and progress.

What You Can Expect

Better Relationships

After breathwork journeys, your life changes. Life looks brighter and hopeful as unseen hindrances disappear.


When you start understanding your past, you embrace today with more peace and love.

Reduced Anxiety

Breathwork allows the body to connect to who you are the good and not so good parts, When you understand trauma and learn to let go, life gets easier..

Better Sleep

Sleeping is about relaxation and rejuvenation, when we breath to fast our bodies cannot relax as it should. Breathwork techniques can bring the body into a state where sleep is invited.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is breathwork?

Breathwork is a practice involving conscious control of breathing patterns to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

What techniques are commonly used in breathwork?

Techniques include diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and deep belly breathing, each serving specific purposes.

What breathwork is not.

Breathwork is not a medical treatment, cure-all, or substitute for professional healthcare. It is not a Religion or a practice associated with any organisation or belief. It is not Yoga or Chanting or Channeling of any kind. It is simply Breathing, in a way that benefits you most. You’ve been breathing before you learned to talk or walk, it is one of the most natural things you do.

How we help you do it ?

All we do is show you different techniques and allow you to experience the benefits they offer. You are always in control, we hold space by just being there as you have your breathing journey.

How long is a session ?

Session are between 15 to 90 minutes.

Is one session enough ?

It might be, although sometimes you need more,of the same or different types of sessions, which addresses specific areas of concern. We also have packages that offer support for one week to one year. Packages can be requested and created to meet your specific needs.

How does breathwork benefit mental health?

Controlled breathing reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes relaxation by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

Is breathwork suitable for beginners?

Absolutely, breathwork is accessible to all and can be adapted to individual comfort levels and experience.

Can breathwork improve focus and concentration?

Yes, rhythmic breathing enhances cognitive function, increasing focus and concentration through improved oxygenation.

Can breathwork aid in better sleep?

Yes, mindful breathing helps regulate the nervous system, promoting relaxation for improved sleep quality.

Are there any potential risks associated with breathwork?

While generally safe ,some people experience dizziness and temporary physical discomforts.

How often should one practice breathwork?

Consistency is key. We recommend you start slow, using appropriate techniques daily and increase breathwork duration as you become familiar with the techniques.


Online Single

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

Online Group under 10

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

Online Group
over 10

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

In Office Single

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

In Office Group under 10

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

In Office Group over 10

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

Outdoor Single

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

Outdoor Group under 10

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

Outdoor Group Over 10

Our gift to you until January 2024. Tell a friend. Spread the gift.

Customers Reviews

When I was first introduced to Breathwork I was sceptical, but now can't live without this practice, my sleep has improved 1000% and if that was all I got, it would have been enough, but the benefits keep coming.
A Sammy
Breathwork changed my life, I was suffering with anxiety and stress. The feeling of being lost with no direction was the way I spent most of my days. Since I started doing Breathwork journeys my anxiety is and my stress level is finally under my control.
Meera Sookoo
House Wife
I could not understand why my choices always led to sadness. I was invited to started breathwork for clarity and connection with my true self. It was magical, I somehow started to understand things differently, and that changed the way I made decisions. Now I feel like like I am not alone and without guidance.
Mike Moonshine


Coach and Sister

Hi, I am Isabel  Princess Jackson, the Torchbearer at Alternative Choices for the last 25 years. What I have learned so far, is that most times problems that present themselves are supported by other problems. Sometimes we know what they are, and other times we don’t have a clue. I’ve realized that with regards to this fact, there is no difference between my clients and I, regardless of age, ethnicity, social status, or geographic location.

More than twenty-five years ago, I made it my life’s purpose, to find and develop my strengths so I could help others. This led me to pursue studies in several areas of holistic care. The more I learned, the more I was positioned to see suffering differently.

Exploring different techniques of Breathwork, led me to understand the power of manipulating the breath and the immediate benefits.

Now I know that a lot of our suffering maybe completely Eliminated or Reduced to a level where we are not constantly living the tormented life , over and over. 

I feel blessed to be able to care for my clients’ in a more holistic way. The focus, of this therapy is, Prevention, Management, or Eradication of  stored trauma that may be getting triggered by current situations. 

 I am really excited to share this with you and look forward to you experiencing a different life. See you soon.


This website is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any Sickness or Disease of the Mind, Body or Soul. Information found on this site should not be used to replace the advice or treatment of a Medical Practitioner.