Free & Discounted
We all have those times, when we wish there was someone who understood what was happening to us, what we needed and how we needed it. We are here to help.
Discounted Services
From time to time we give discounts from 5% to 50% on Services.
Pay With Points
We give you 100 pts for each new client you send to us.
New Offers
These are new or recent Services added to our existing list.
Why The Need To Do All This
There are alot of strong, financially stable people in this world. What we must not forget, is that we also have those that are not. We can all make life better for someone if we find a way to share a little charity and kindness .
Free Services
We offer a variety of free Services, Sometimes In Clinic some times Online or by Phone. Visit this page for updates.
Online & In Person Training
We offer a variety of DIYS intended only for personal use and upliftment, When you do Online programs, you support Our page, which allows us to help more people.
Happening Now
This covers activities for the current Month.- Online, In person and Outreach events.
Become A Better Version Of Yourself With Our Training And Services
There is always another version of what you know. Give yourself a chance to find out.
We thank you for trusting us with your concerns, and look forward to serving you and yours in the future. At Alternative Choices, we believe that everyone who needs our services, should have access to your them. To facilitate that effort we offer Free, Discounted, Pay with points and Pay what you can, on Services “that are offered on the dates assigned”.
Contributions are how we do this, so you are encouraged to invite your family or friends to these sessions, and also to contribute, as this helps to assist with this work. You can make your contributions through, PayPal, Wi Pay, or Bank Transfer, the links are attached.
Thanks again

About Us
Hi, I am Isabel Jackson, Torch bearer at Alternative Choices for the last 25 years.
What I’ve learnt so far, is that people have the same problems despite Age, Ethnicity, Social Status or Geographic location.
We simply need each other, and we have the capacity to help, sometimes at a cost and sometimes free.
With this understanding I made it my life’s purpose to find and develop my strengths so I can help others.
The Free & Discounted page reflects what I’ve done and I’m still doing, to help finish the puzzles, in the lives of those who seek my help.
Featured In: Trinidad Guardian and Newsday
Just For You

December 13th, Free Talk Therapy, Whatsapp 4701775.
December 18th, Free Sciatica therapy for all.
December 25th, CHRISTMAS DAY is a very lonely and Depressing time for many, we have Free Breathwork Online from 10-12 noon, and Free Talk Therapy from 1pm to 3pm. Feel free to call us –1-868-470 1775. We are here to support you. If our lines are busy, please do not feel discouraged, you can call us back.
On November 15th 2023, we are offering Free Talk Therapy to all who needs it call 4701775 between 8 am -5 pm.
This month on the 17th September 2022, we are offering Talk Therapy between 8am-5pm, Online and by Phone.
Free consultation on Physical Therapies. We offer, a 15 minute session by Phone, where you can ask questions concerning your Physical Conditions. Date – 20/9/22, from 8 am – 5 pm.
Online talk on ‘Back Pain’ – fb- Alternative Choice (Alternative and Holistic Health Services) on 23/9/22 at 6pm.
December 30th and 31st ( ALL ) Massages up to 50% off. Call or whatsapp 7591597 for appointments. Spaces limited.
Services are discounted from time to time and on occasion like Mother’s day, Christmas etc. Check the Free and Discounted page on this Website or our fb page Alternative Choice.
You can access services without cash, by using our points system. Every point equals $1. You earn 100 points for every client you send us. You can use, sell or share your points in block time.
When you choose packages or Fully Loaded sessions you enjoy automatic discounts. See Services.
December month we offer something Free, Discounted or Pay what you can, on Services at Alternative Choices .
Breathwork ,The simplest form of Natural Therapy available.
Our Happy Clients!
I always wanted to learn to grow wheatgrass because of the nutritional properties it contains. I now have an unlimited supply of fresh wheatgrass juice and I did it all online.
S. Smith
I always felt that something was missing in my life, I had a family but something was still missing. Through the Body Code Sessions, I was able to uncover trapped emotions of abandonment. When I asked my mom she started to cry and said I was adopted. That answered so much for me.

R. Brown
I suffer from depression, most of the times I try to manage with meds and on my own but sometimes I need to talk to someone who will listen, Talk Therapy has never failed me. I book my spots and and talk for free. Thanks.

J. Luke
I have been suffering from lower back pain and sciatica for the last 8 years. When I started to get therapy at Alternative Choices, my discomforts went from 9.5 to 2 on the pain scale. I now do sessions once per month for maintenance.

M. Staple
I am very happy for the pay with points systems. I do all my sessions by earning points. Thanks for considering people like me.

Marlon Sam
I am Diabetic and experience numbness and tingling in my feet. I was introduced to foot therapy and was impressed with the skill set at this clinic. They remove ingrown nails, calluses, corns, they also do foot soaks and the best Reflexology ever !!!!.Thanks

Shelly Barns
We Help Those Who Can And Can't Help Themselves

Paid Sessions
All of our services are also available as paid Services. Check our Service page.

Free Sessions
November 23rd 2022, Talk Therapy, Online or by Phone.
1 868-7591597
8am to 5 pm only

Discounted Sessions
We treasure special occasions and celebrate with you. Events, Times and Seasons.

Paying With Points
Points can be used to pay for any Service. Every client you send us we give you 100 points towards your next session.
This website is designed for educational purposes only. and is not intended to diagnose or treat any Sickness or Disease of the Mind, Body or Soul .Information found on this site should not be used to replace the advice or treatment of a Medical Practitioner.