This face, head, and ears massage, helps with Insomnia, Headaches, Anxiety, Tension, Sinuses and TMJ. It directly targets pressure points, that causes tight muscles to be released and flexibility problems to be reduced. This 30 mins free session uses specialized strokes, techniques, tools and equipment to accomplish this. It also provides touch therapy which does more for us than we think. In our sessions, Sound therapy, Auriculotherapy, Ayurvedic type head massage and Facial Reflexology may be included.
Although we know that Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Migraines, even Dizziness are expressed in the head region, more attention is given to the other parts of the body when receiving massage therapy. At Alternative Choices, our approach allows and promotes the importance, of focusing on therapies for the head and face that affects change, where change is really needed.
Research has shown that facial and head massages existed thousands of years ago. In India, we can trace Ayurvedic face and head massage to more than 3000 years ago.
One day every month we choose one of our Services and offer it FREE, we also have a pay-with-points, or pay what you can (contribution) system, so if you don’t have cash, you can still access our services.
Sessions are done In-Clinic. Consultation is always free and can be done virtually. Visit this website’s page “Free and Discounted” for Free Days, Dates, and Offers.
Massage Therapy
Face, Head, Ears Massage-30 mins (F)
Face, Head, and Ears massage, helps with Insomnia, Headaches, Anxiety, Tension, Sinuses and TMJ. It directly targets pressure points, that causes tight muscles to be released. In this 30 mins free session, we use specialized strokes, techniques, tools and equipment.
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