Health in your Hands

Discover the Healing of Dry Brushing

As featured on:

Welcome to Dry Brushing, where your health is in your hands.

When you think of Dry Brushing, You can safely think of Detoxification, Unclogged pores , increased Lymphatic flow, increased Blood circulation and Radiant Skin, just to name a few. The process involves brushing the Skin with a firm bristle brush. It takes less than 15 minutes and can be done by a trained Therapist or by ‘YOU’ yes you.


Choose Brush

Other Things

Brush Confidently

Meet Your Therapist

Isabel Jackson

About us

Hi, I am Isabel  Jackson, Torch bearer at Alternative Choices for the last 25 years. What I’ve learnt so far, is that people have the same problems despite Age, Ethnicity, Social status or Geographic location. 

We simply need each other and we have the capacity to help, sometimes at a cost and sometimes free. 

With this understanding, I made it my life’s purpose to find and develop my strengths so I can help others.

Dry Brushing stands out as one of those therapies that helps us in so many ways. Give it a try, or give us a call. 

We offer it as a paid service but sometimes we do it for free. Find Free Services and dates on the Bits and Pieces page.

How We Use Dry Brushing In Clinic

Before Therapy

crutches, ill, injured-538883.jpg

Rehab Therapy

Before Reflexology

Circulation Therapy

With Massages

With Sauna &Soaks

Our Happy Clients!

We underestimate the power of the skin to aid in the Detoxification processes of the body. I see the magic it creates in my Clients and in my own life, by increasing the Lymphatic flow throughout the body. It was good to see it added to Massages. I enjoy it ,everytime.


Candace Love

Skin care Specialist

Because I sit all day, I started getting a variety of lower body issues. My Therapist decided to include  Dry Brushing as part of my Therapy sessions and I see the difference it makes,

Thanks Isabel


Sonia Graves

Computer Engineer

As a Yoga instructor I try to encourage Senior persons to include practices that aids in their well-being. Dry Brushing has  unimaginable benefits. 

I enjoy having a full body Dry Brushing Session, it is invigorating and essential at this age.



Mark Liken

Yoga Teacher

Services and Prices

Add on

Full Body Dry Brushing is offered as an Add On, to other services
$21 Us/$143 TT

Cashless Services

At Alternative Choice all of our services can be accessed with points.

Free/Discounted services

We try to offer at least one free service per month. Check the calendar.

All Services

Our Services includes Talk Therapy, Massages, Chakra Balancing, Reflexology, Foot care Services etc.

Let Us Help You


This website is designed for educational purposes only. and is not intended to diagnose or treat any Sickness or Disease of the Mind, Body or Soul .Information found on this site should not be used to replace the advice or treatment of a Medical Practitioner.