
Sometimes, when things go wrong you need to talk to someone. We are here for such a time as this. Let us support you on your journey as you resolve and replace pieces of your life that no longer leads you to well-being and happiness.

Understanding what is happening and how to manage it is what Talk therapy plus will help you do. We’ve observed, that most people, can solve their own problems if they can talk and reason it out. For those that can’t we can refer you to a Doctor, Therapist, Counsellor or a Spiritual leader.


We can talk in person

We can talk online

woman, bag, young-7363017.jpg

We can talk by phone

Since the beginning of time, Communication has been the foundation of the human experience. Talk has always been the most Affordable, Available, Understandable and Peaceful method for Creation, Maintenance and Restoration, of people, places or things. Fortunately it is still the same today and is available at Alternative Choices.

What is all this about ?

We all need someone to talk too, whether we know it or not. Talk Therapy can introduce you to the strong parts of yourself that can help you navigate some of life struggles. One Talk therapy Session can elevate your mood and change the way you feel.

Our Happy Clients!

“That night I thought it was all over, you were there to help me through the saddest moment of my life.” 

Thanks Isabel

R. Peters

“I was always a strong person, always the one people came too for advice but I could never find someone to talk to when I felt weak. I am so happy that talk therapy is now available, my problem is now solved.” 

Thanks Isa

L. Foster

“I suffer from depression. Some -times I manage and other times I need to talk. I feel blessed to be alive and have access to someone, day or night, just to chat with when I feel overwhelmed.”

Thanks Isabel

J. Chin

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What is the goal of talk therapy and why we think it can help.

The goal of Talk therapy is not just to help you feel better today but to help you live better from today . At Alternative Choices we specialize in a variety of alternative therapies that support well-being. 

It includes Hypnotism, Body Code /Emotion Code techniques, Micro Bioenergetics, Sound therapies, Energy Medicine, Biomagnetism and a range of touch therapies services. 

All this means, is when you talk we listen, and our responses are not just our opinions, they are couched in facts, proven methods and a variety of experiences, that other people had and survived.

How can I connect with a talk therapist ?

You can talk with us Online, by Phone or In person.

What can I talk about ?

Everyone has unresolved issues, that sometimes, can be resolved in one conversation, if only we had a mother, father, sister, brother, or a friend we could talk to. In Talk Therapy you can talk about anything that is disturbing your human experience.

We do not offer services reserved for Doctors, Sex therapist. Psychiatrists or Spiritual advisors. If you have concerns with such issues please seek assistance from same, or we will be happy to refer you out.

Do I need an appointment ?

Yes you need to check our schedule/calendar for an available days and times. Sometimes you get lucky and a Talk Therapist is available immediately.

Why do we think we can help you ?

We have observed, that although we are all having the human experience, for some, it seems easier than for others. The journey through this life can be made a little more comfortable if, we bear each other’s burdens and hold up the hands of those that are weakest amongst us .

Are these sessions free ?

We offer free and paid sessions. Check our calendar for dates and times. We have free days and free nights available. Sessions are usually 15 minutes to 1 hour.

Who is this not for ?

This is not for people trying to fulfil Sexual Desires. This is not for people trying to pass time because they are bored. This not for people looking for company because they have nothing else to do. Please respect the sacredness of this work.

Is there anything else after Talk therapy ?

Firstly, there will always be FREE Talk Therapy for those who need it. At Alternative Choices we also offer a variety of paid services, designed to help the Body, Mind and Soul. Visit our Services page.

Our services

Talk Therapy
Day Time Talk 1 (hr)

All Talk Therapy sessions are done by appointments. You can choose to book your Session and talk, In Pers0on, Online or by Phone .
From 7am to 6 pm
US$ 16 / TT$ 109 - 1 hr

Talk Therapy
Night-time Talk 1(hr.)

All Talk Therapy sessions are done by appointments. You can choose to book your Sessions and talk, Online or by Phone .
From 7pm to 6 am
US$ 33 / TT$ 224 - 1 hr

Talk Therapy
Free Day Time Talk

Free Talk Therapy sessions are done by appointments. You can book your Session and talk, In Person, Online or by Phone .
From 7am to 6 pm

Talk Therapy
Free Night-Time (1 day per month)

Free Night Talk sessions are done by appointments. You must book and confirm your sessions in advance. Talk, Therapy is done, Online or by Phone .
From 7pm to 6am

Talk Therapy
Anytime, Day or Night Weekly packages
(7 hrs )

Anytime Talk sessions are done by contacting us directly. You will have someone to talk to as so soon as a representative is available. Your time session time is 1 hr. You can also book and confirm your Sessions in advance. Talk Therapy is done, In person, Online or by Phone. Unused talk time can roll over for one week. Check the Calendar for any changes.
From 7am to 6 pm
and 7pm to 6am
US$ 331 / TT$ 2247- weekly
US$ 55 / TT$ 375 -single Night session

Talk Therapy
Day Time Weekly Packages (7 hrs )

Day time Talk sessions are done by appointments. You must book and confirm your sessions in advance. Talk, Therapy is done, In Clinic, Online or by Phone. Unused talk time can roll over for one week. Check the Calendar for availability.
From 7am to 6 pm
US$ 98 / TT$ 661

Talk Therapy
Pay with Points

Talk Therapy sessions can be paid for with points. You earn 50 points for each Client you send us. You can book your session and talk, In person, Online or by Phone .
From 7pm to 6am
and 7am to 6pm

Talk Therapy
Night-Time Weekly Packages (7 hrs )

Night time Talk sessions are done by appointments. You must book and confirm your sessions in advance. Talk, Therapy is done, Online or by Phone . Unused talk time can roll over for one week. Check the Calendar for availability.
From 7am to 6 pm
US$ 194 / TT$ 1316

Other Services

We offer Therapies for the Mind, Body and Soul.

How it's done

making an appointment

Follow the instructions.

Decide when

Step 1- Decide your date, time, duration, topic and what you are hoping to get from the conversation.

Select Free or Paid talk

Step 2- We have paid and free talk sessions, you need to check our weekly calendar for available spots.

Choose and Confirm

Step 3- Choose your date and time.

Make/Take the call

Step 4- Be on time for the call, a friend is waiting to talk, listen and support.

Meet Princess Jackson

Isabel Jackson

“Only you can decide how much is too much and when you will accept the journey, to the life you always wanted”

Why me ,Why now, Why this ?

Sharing an existing idea can feel daunting at times, especially when it comes to Talk Therapy. While it may seem similar to counseling, it is actually a unique experience that feels like a friendly conversation. In fact, we believe that everyone needs someone to confide in, no matter who they are or where they come from. In Talk Therapy, we understand this and aim to help those in need, through our services. 

Rest assured, our motives are not based on gaining popularity or tricking people into liking us. Rather, we simply want to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Our group sessions and online events provide a safe space for individuals to learn about themselves and make better decisions for their future. However, if you feel that Talk Therapy isn’t the right fit for you, we encourage you to keep looking for what works best. Our goal is to add value to your life and be a helpful puzzle piece in your journey towards finding peace, joy, and the answers you seek.

Other Services and Giveaways


This website is designed for educational purposes only. and is not intended to diagnose or treat any Sickness or Disease of the Mind, Body or Soul .Information found on this site should not be used to replace the advice or treatment of a Medical Practitioner.