Table Thai massage, called by several other names, is a Thai Yoga Massage done on a table. Massage continues to evolve, as it is influenced by culture and customs throughout the history of human existence. This massage can be done fully clothed as it involves several Yoga positions and stretches.
It is like having a full body stretch but with some massage techniques added. It is great for prevention of injury and aids in general rehabilitation of the body. It directly targets scar tissue, tight muscles, body pains, circulatory issues, flexibility problems and so much more.
This 1.5 hr. massage is used to maximize the therapeutic effect at an affordable price, while offering the comfort of being fully clothed.
It also provides touch therapy which does more for us than we think. We also include in our session, Sound therapy, Energy Medicine, Talk Therapy and Aromatherapy.
Sessions are customized according to client’s needs. It is the ultimate therapeutic session that helps restore holistic balance.
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