Most people think that Massage therapy and Therapeutic touch therapy is one and the same. Although they may involve the therapist hands, Massage therapy focuses a lot on stress relief and restoration through the manipulation of muscles.
Therapeutic touch therapy may include a massage but includes techniques that touches the mind, body and soul on an energetic level. This Ayurvedic Massage includes Energy medicine, as part of every session we customize for you.
Most people think the massage is a cure for physical ailments. Although there is truth in that statement, we must consider that a lot of physical conditions has its origin in non-physical issues. In ancient times, great success was realized using the holistic approach. Today we have a variety of therapies that can touch different aspects of your life.
Everything is energy, that means when your energy is off, low or disturbed you feel stress. Imagine having a therapist with positive energy, whose aim and intention is to change your vibrations through touch techniques, sound and energy filled oils. The result can only be a feeling of wellbeing, and that reduces stress.
Research has shown that Ayurvedic massages existed thousands of years ago. In India, we can trace Ayurvedic face and head massage to more than 3000 years ago. Different cultures over the years developed their own techniques and styles, which are today used as a standalone therapy or as part of other therapies.
This massage session, includes the best face, head, ears, neck and shoulder massage, plus energy medicine, sound therapy and the generous use of oil and heat on specific body parts for specific outcomes.
This Therapy helps with, Body pain, Poor Circulation, Insomnia, Stress Relief, Rehabilitation, Headaches, Depression, Anxiety, Text Neck, Scoliosis, Depression, Hypertension, Back Pain, Sciatica, Strains and sprain, Whiplash, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Frozen Shoulder, Stress Relief, Menstrual Cramps, Swollen limbs, Bursitis, Injury Recovery, Stress management and much more.
The session is 1.5 hrs. and will remain in your mind as a most unforgettable Massage Session.
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